系所別 |
考試科目 |
財務金融學系碩士班 |
經濟學 |
※ 考生請於答案卷內作答
(A) x-Firm Concentration Ratio
(B) Random Walk of GDP
(C) Lucas Critique
(D) Computer Paradox
(E) Asymmetric Information
(F) Interest Rate Parity
2. 選舉即將來臨,「執政黨」與「在野黨」進行政策擬定之賽局,前提假設:「執政黨」能夠說服廠商提高物價或不提高物價,而「在野黨」能夠影響央行增加貨幣供給或不增加貨幣供給。下表是賽局的償付矩陣 (payoff matrix):
賽局進行的規則是在野黨先出招 (move first),請問 Nash Equilibrium為何?請說明求解過程。(8分)
執政黨策略 |
提高物價 |
不提高物價 |
增加貨幣供給 在野黨策略 不增加貨幣供給 |
結果A 執政黨$40 在野黨$60 π=8% υ=8% |
結果B 執政黨$80 在野黨$20 π=0% υ=6% |
結果C 執政黨$20 在野黨$80 π=8% υ=9% |
結果D 執政黨$60 在野黨$40 π=0% υ=8% |
3. 請繪圖表示J-Curve效果,並解釋造成的可能原因。(8%)
4. 請寫出 Taylor Rule,並加以解釋。(10分)
5. 日本目前處於流動性陷阱 (Liquidity Trap) ,請以IS-LM模型表示,並進一步分析政府需要實施何種財政與貨幣政策才能脫離流動性陷阱? (10分)
6. Assume that there are 100 domestic banks offering services, and each bank has a cost curve as C(q) = q2/2, where q denotes the amount of services per bank offered . On the other hand, there are 100 domestic consumers; 50 consumers are labeled type o and each has a demand function as q1D= 75-P, and the other 50 consumers are labeled type Ⅱ and each has a demand function as q2D = 125-P.
(A) If bank’s services can be provided at $20 per unit from foreign banks. Please find domestic production, consumption and imports of bank services. (6%)
(B) Suppose all foreign banks’ services are forbidden, please find equilibrium price and production of bank services, and changes in consumer surplus and producer surplus. (8%)
(C) Suppose that foreign bank’s services are forbidden (as in (B)), and that price of domestic banks’ services is frozen at $20 per unit. Then (12%)
(1) What happens?
(2) Assuming rationing takes place, please show how consumer surplus and producer surplus is affected by this price freeze and cut off of foreign banks’ services.
(3) For (C), does it matter how rationing occurs or how the service shortage is allocated across different consumers? Explain carefully.
(D) Discuss the economic intuition for your findings in (A), (B) and (C). (4%)
7. Consider the following economic conditions for Country A. Its per-worker production function is yt = 5kt0.5 , where yt is output per worker and kt is the capital-labor ratio. The saving function is St = 0.2Yt, where St is the total national saving and Yt is the total national output. If Country A’s depreciation rate is 0.2 and the population growth rate is 0.05.
(A) Please derive a single equation governing the evolution of the capital-labor ratio. Show your work step-by-step, and justify all your derivations. (6%)
(B) Calculate the steady-state values of the capital-labor ratio, output per worker and consumption of Country A. (4%)
(C) If there is a negative supply shock, which significantly affects Country A’ productivity, please carefully show its multi-dimensional effects on the steady-state economy. (6%)